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Absurd Minds - Damn The Lie (2001) - damn the lie

damn the lie
Absurd Minds
Damn The Lie (2001)

dry desertwinds, sand in my face, an endless journey.
I flee from falseness, I flee from lies.
I have to find my kingdom, I'd like to find my way.
I'm coming near to die of thirst.
the sun is burning, the heat hurts.
I keep trying to avoid to faint, don't get insane.
I have to find my kingdom, I'd like to find my way.

I damn the lie, I say good bye. how many miles away
from destination. a lot of dunes.
but I hope I'll find my way.
I say good bye, I damn the lie.
how many miles away from you.
what's still to come, what's still to do.

an oasis on the horizon.
speeding up and it disappeares
I see footsteps in the sand. I get a shock
in the no man's land. i Ian round in circles.
how many times i passed this point.
I ran round in circles.
how many times i walked this way.

/* lyrics by Absurd Minds, transcribed by acidofil@teenage.cz */






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Koncert Absurd Minds & Immunology (17.04.2003)novinka

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