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Against All Authority - All Fall Down (1998) - At Our Expense

At Our Expense
Against All Authority
All Fall Down (1998)

We're holding banners - And they're holding guns
Keeping our rebellion to a minimum
As we watch them gain behind this barbed wire fence
It's so insane - It's at our expense
And the media distorts the truth
And the media distorts the truth
We never had a choice
We never had a voice
You make decisions that affect us all Put us in a position that we don't belong
All of our resources have been spent
And it's at our expense
Now you're punching holes in the sky
With plutonium powered rockets that fly
To probe what can be reached and suck it dry
And it's at our expense It's at our expense
It's at our expense
It's at our expense
And it's all at our expense




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