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Alice Cooper - Billion Dollar Babies (1973) - Raped And Freezin'

Raped And Freezin'
Alice Cooper
Billion Dollar Babies (1973)

Finally got a ride, some old broad down from Santa Fe.
She was a real go-getter.
She drawled so sweetly, "I think, child, that things'll get better."
We pulled off the highway, night black as a widow.
"Yes, I read the Bible," she said, "I wanna know of you."

Hey, I think I've got a live one,
Hey, I think I've got a live one, Yeah, Yeah,
I think I've got a live one.

Felt like I was hit by a diesel or a greyhound bus.
She was no baby-sitter.
"Get up, sugar, never thought you'd be a quitter."
I opened the back door, she was greedy.
I ran through the desert, she was chasin'.
No time to get dressed, so I was naked, stranded in Chihuahua.

Hey, I think I've got a live one,
Hey, I think I've got a live one,
Hey, hey, I think I've got a live one,
Alone, raped and freezin',
Alone cold and sneezin',
Alone down in Mexico,






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