Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 16°C, 207 online
TV 21:11:01
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Alphaville - Prostitute (1994) - Parade

Prostitute (1994)


The crowd is looking drowned
And a mother in tears
There are flipflapping flags in the silence
And a national anthem's a blues in these days
Flag him down, rest in peace
What peace do you mean
When the boys are coming back
He's live on TV
He's dead as a hero can be
But he didn't die for nothing, my dear
The video of his death is travelling the world
Flag him down, rest in peace
What peace do you mean
When the boys are coming back
In coffins
Way back in the crowd
A girl says goodbye to a boy
To a boy who's parading to heaven
And she puts all the blame on the gouvernment
He's live on TV
Dead as a hero can be
...when the boys are parading to heaven, my friend
But all the blame on you
On you






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