Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 166 online
TV 00:46:51
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Amaran - Pristine In Bondage (2004) - Primal Nature

Primal Nature
Pristine In Bondage (2004)

Just maybe
You could smash my soul, please
Just maybe
You could twist my mind, in time
Just because or maybe
My heart fell to the ground
And the pieces where scattered

In secluded places
In expanded minds
There's no such thing as the end

Someday I wish you reborn
Could strip off our masks
In the land of the free

I guess stoner eyes do see
Things to rapidly
Moving round and round and round
I guess stoner hearts do break
Before it's all too late
Moving round and round....

Just maybe
You could break my walls
Just maybe
It wouldn't be that hard, in time
Just because or maybe
My fist fell to the ground
And the pieces where scattered






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