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Angra - Fireworks (1998) - Wings Of Reality

Wings Of Reality
Fireworks (1998)

Day by day
Wheels keep turning around
And everynight
Many restless creatures
longing for the dawn
To heal away
Their eternal pain...

Hope the saints arrive
Bringng the signs
Of treasures to be found
Now we walk alone
And we've got to know
The secrets all around

Breaking our hearts of stone,
Tasting our lives,
Setting us free to decide...

"Wings of Reality,
Take me higher and higher
Show me the way to be
Free forever with you...
I guess I've found my way
Everyday growing stronger
So many words to say,
So many things to do..."

The ghosts get closer to my fears
A beast has awakened here inside...
All we don't know, nobody knows!

... And the pay back is coming someday!!

Day by day
Wheels keep turning around
And everynight
Many restless creatures
longing for the dawn
To heal away
Their eternal pain...

Hope the saints arrive
Bringng the signs
Of treasures to be found
Now we walk alone
And we've got to know
The secrets all around

Breaking our hearts of stone,
Tasting our lives,
Setting us free to decide...

"Wings of Reality,
Take me higher and higher
Show me the way to be
Free forever with you...
I guess I've found my way
Everyday growing stronger
So many words to say,
So many things to do..."






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