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TV 21:15:40
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Angra - Freedom Call (1996) - Queen Of The Night [re-recorded]

Queen Of The Night [re-recorded]
Freedom Call (1996)

Awaken the crystal bell of sorrow
Caught ourselves pretending our frustations
Were gone
Once again, instead of facing the day
We ran away; closed our eyes
To keep learning on feelings we had

We were close
Misty memories of a past come by
And I'll write my pray
On your face of hidden secrets
Never shared, freezing soul

Dreams last forever
To the empress of the dark
Lay down on eternity
Your music in the air
Great delight in the symphony
Our dance will never end

The Queen of the Night
The master of wisdom
Pretending desires
With the grace of thunder

The Queen of the Night
The feast of illusion
Pretending desires
With the grace of thunder




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