Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 16°C, 203 online
TV 21:02:01
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Anti-Flag - Die For The Government (1997) - Rotten Future

Rotten Future
Die For The Government (1997)

All you punkers with your "no future" dreams
Follow Johnny Rotten and all our present beliefs
Following society, be what they want you to be
Drunk and quiet, there's no future for me

Impatience with society

Be what they want you to be

Impatience, there is no future here

I'm not lazy, I just don't care
Of course there is no future when you make sure there is none
Impatience, time is wasting, there is no future to be won
If you truly don't care then why talk no future ?
Excuses hang like a noose, I've given up, I just don't care

Impatience with society

Be what they want you to be

Impatience, there is no future here

I'm not lazy, I just don't care
Of course you'll bring no change when you sit home on your couch
We need to stand up and fight, bring our future to a start
We can change things just as long as we take the time
Generations (3x), they're not they same

Impatience with society

Be what they want you to be

Impatience, there is no future here

I'm not lazy, I just don't care






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