Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 15°C, 162 online
TV 22:37:46
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Anti-Flag - Their system doesn't work for you (2001) - We've got his gun

We've got his gun
Their system doesn't work for you (2001)

Dad keeps a gun in the drawer in his room
My best friend is coming over to play
We've got his gun
We've having fun
Trying to find where the bad guys are
I pull the trigger and shoot my friend oh no

Oh no 4X

Run in the house grab the phone and call for help
They said "hold on we'll be right there"
Now Help has come
They've got the gun
Try to bring him back to life
But it's too late
he is dead oh no...

I've watched the news
For many years
This happens every week
This happens in your town
Don't keep a gun in your house X2

Oh no X4






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