Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 187 online
TV 00:37:12
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Apoptygma Berzerk - 7 (1996) - Half Asleep

Half Asleep
Apoptygma Berzerk
7 (1996)

I'm half asleep again
The shell is sleeping, my soul is not
I feel confused, too many thoughts
I fear, I fear temptation
Weird thoughts inside my mind
Brute thoughts are tempting me
I want to do what I know is wrong with my fear
I fear temptation

Take me away, fill me with desire
Teach me how to live a life without regret
Take me away, fill me with desire
Teach me how to live a life without regret

I'm half asleep again
The shell is sleeping, my soul is not
I'm still confused, too many thoughts
I fear, I fear temptation
Something's got a grip on my mind
Causing me to forget about you
Makes me feel that I had to choose
And I need you
I fear temptation

Take me away, fill me with desire
Teach me how to live a life without regret
Take me away, fill me with desire
Teach me how to live a life without regret




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night stars on air - II. ročník elektronického festivalu (01.09.2003)novinka

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