Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 16°C, 209 online
TV 21:03:29
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ATB - No Silence (2004) - Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves
No Silence (2004)

I woke under cover of darkness
Looked up into the television sky

I wandered through the city alone this
rain wouldn't stop I couldn't dry my eyes
I cried

Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me

As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day

I went out to the edge of town
Over bright highways where the traffic was the only sound

While my eyes were looking at the ground
I could see pictures of you floating all around
I didn't doubt

Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me

As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day






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