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Axxis - Back To The Kingdom (2000) - Heaven in Black

Heaven in Black
Back To The Kingdom (2000)

Are you cold as ice, are you hot like fire
Going to extremes - your desire
Go to the left - go to the right
In the middle you will find a reason not to fight

Different worlds, different things
Different thoughts of different people
God given blaze of colour everywhere

Heaven in black - heaven in white
Loving the darkness and the light
Different thoughts could make our life so colourful
Heaven in black - heaven in white
Living by day and loving the night
Opposites attract in our life

Everybody is black, every flower is grey
The same old prayers we all pray
A boring world without good and bad
Our life would really be so sad

Different worlds, different things
Different thoughts of different people
God given blaze of colour everywhere

Heaven in black - heaven in white
Loving the darkness and the light
Different thoughts could make our life so colourful
Heaven in black - heaven in white
Living by day and loving the night
Opposites attract in our life
Everybodies life

Heaven in black - heaven in white
Loving the darkness and the light
Different thoughts could make our life so colourful
Heaven in black - heaven in white
Loving the darkness and the light




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