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Axxis - II (1990) - Get Down

Get Down
II (1990)

My name is the devil
I'm playing a game
With what you call mankind
But now things have changed

Your good and my evil
Have covered the world each day
It was to be a never-ending fight
But look at the world today

Forget your hostility
Join together with me
Now it's time for a fight against
The people - we see

Get down - from the throne in the light
Get down - to stay right by my side

The good old times are gone
When we used to live in their hearts
But they've forgotten their beliefs
They live in a house of cards

I've always trusted in our might
That I'm the dark and you're the light
I see their future - you see it too
Oh god, oh god, what will we do

Get down - from the throne in the light
Get down - to stay right by my side




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