Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 213 online
TV 01:01:35
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Axxis - II (1990) - Hold You (Acoustic Version)

Hold You (Acoustic Version)
II (1990)

I see my life like a ship in the rain
sometimes lost in the ocean
There's no aim - it's drifting away
There's no wind to set it in motion
Silence spreads its wings in the air
I can hear the waves whispering
And then I know what life means to me
- the endless waiting for a sign
Huh...when the wind turns to you
You feel a fresh breeze hits your sails
The voice of life whispers and sings...

I wanna hold you in my arms
I wanna hold you in my arms

Sea of hope - in the ocean of life
You can hear the voices singing
I search alone to find my way
To the shoreline of beginning
Huh...when the wind turns to you
You feel a fresh breeze hits your sails
The voice of life whispers and sings...

I wanna hold you in my arms
I wanna hold you in my arms

Through the storm Through thunder and rain
With hopes and dreams I search for an aim
Journeys beginning - Voices are singing...

I wanna hold you in my arms
I wanna hold you in my arms




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