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Blackfield - II (2007) - Epidemic

II (2007)

Don't say everything's okay
Don't tell me that it's just a phase
It doesn't help me

All the stars are standing still
The anger and the sleeping pills
Are all that's left now

An epidemic in my heart
Takes hold and slowly poisons me
Her will won't let me be
It comes in waves and bleeds me dry
This love is slowly killing me
For me, there's noone else

Jelousy just eats me up
Another's made the deepest cuts
My heart is popping

You say there must be an end
But afterwards we'll still be friends
It seemed so easy

An epidemic in my heart
Takes hold and slowly poisons me
Her will won't let me be
It comes in waves and bleeds me dry
This love is slowly killing me
For me, there's noone else






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Blackfield - IIrecenze

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